With so many wonderful alternatives to wool, fur, and leather, there's simply no need to use animal skins to cover your own skin.
For every wool sweater, leather belt or jacket, or bit of fur trim, animals are tortured and mutilated in ways that would make any compassionate
person's skin crawl.
Sheep, cows, foxes, rabbits, minks, and other animals used for their fleece, fur, or skins feel pain and suffer just like the dogs and cats in our own homes, yet chunks of their flesh are hacked off, they are electrocuted, their necks are snapped, and their
throats are slit open, often without any painkillers.
Join kind people everywhere and shed your skins-wear only compassionate, animal-free clothing.
Amanda is getting married, and I am in charge of organizing the bridal shower. To make sure all the guests are coming I got these pretty bridal shower invitations online. They are modern and fun.